Prof.Giancarlo Fortino visits our Lab.

Updated::2013-10-28    Font Size:[Larger Smaller]  
Prof. Giancarlo Fortion of Calabria University of Italy visitsour Lab from Oct. 24 to Oct. 26. During his visit, he meets with all students at out Lab., and discusses with several PhD students, including Dr. Xiuwen FU, Dr. Wei Song and Dr. Congcong Ma. They have exchanged current research trendency in Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Computing, discussed about issues of these technology application in Project of Smart Communities, which is sponsored by the Ministry of Schinece and Technology.

During his visit, he gives a lecture on Body Sensor Networks and it applications at 2:30, Saturday afternoon, Oct. 26, 2013. He introduces the achievenemnts and future of Body Sensor Networks, especially its applications in human healthcare, and social networks. With the introduce of cloud computing and agent technique, body sensor networks can break all bottlenecks.

Prof. Fortino's visiting is sponsored by the jonit project of China-Italy, (M00551), SmartPMS: Smart Personal Mobility Systems for HUman Disabilities in Future Smart Cities.